
DockerCon 2015
Join the conversation at #DockerCon 2015. Follow along with @theCUBE
   9 years ago
#DockerconDockerCon 2016Join the conversation at #DockerCon 2016. Follow along with @theCUBE
Bert Latamore
Greylock Partners Partner Jerry Chen @jerrychen live now on #theCUBE from #DockerCon 2015. Watch & join the CrowdChat conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
[LIVE CHAT] DockerCon 2015
Join the conversation at #DockerCon 2015. Follow along with @theCUBE
Bert Latamore
@jerrychen 's first investment with Greylock ws Docker. Looks pretty good!
Tim Crawford
.@jerrychen: Ride a wave bigger than you.
Tim Crawford
How important is the ecosystem in the ultimate value for an investment?
Bert Latamore
How do you beat your opponents? Ride a bigger wave. The Cloud Wave is that for the traditional vendors -- Greylock Partner @jerrychen on #theCUBE from #DockerCon 2015.
Tim Crawford
Is is possible that investment structures will shift to focus on smaller building blocks?
John Furrier
. @tcrawford @BertLatamore end to end is big deal for cloud - metal to the pixels says @jerrychen
Bert Latamore
Every level is being disrupted by this concept of VDI. Seeing incumbent vendors like Oracle, IBM, Microsoft trying to react & seeing a lot of startups - Greylock's @jerrychen on #theCUBE from #DockerCon 2015.
Tim Crawford
Let's not use the phrase: Infrastructure as code.
John Furrier
. @BertLatamore he meant DDI - developer driven infrastructure
Tim Crawford
Scale is finally applying to the enterprise...but not in the traditional way.
Tim Crawford
End to end performance really requires specialization (verticals).
Tim Crawford
We're not here yet. We are just starting to open our eyes.
Tim Crawford
There is still a chasm between the theory of software opportunity and reality.
Tim Crawford
.@furrier is really asking @jerrychen where to place his bets. :)
Tim Crawford
Q: Do we get to (or are) a point where innovation exceeds the ability of the masses?
Tim Crawford
More than distribution is the importance of engagement and influence.
Bert Latamore
Pick a wave bigger than your competition. If you pick the Docker container wave you will do well. Take the mobile wave. Take a wave bigger than you -- Greylock's @jerrychen on #theCUBE from #DockerCon 2015
Bert Latamore
Make sure the thing u r selling hits the top of your customer’s to do list - Greylock's @JerryChen
Bert Latamore
Startups have better technology. Incumbents have better distribution. So it is how fast can the startups get the product to customers versus how fast the incumbents can build the technology - Greylock's @JerryChen on #theCUBE from #DockerCon
Bert Latamore
Docker Technical Evangelist John Willis @botchagalupe live now on #theCUBE from #DockerCon 2015. Watch & join the CrowdChat conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
[LIVE CHAT] DockerCon 2015
Join the conversation at #DockerCon 2015. Follow along with @theCUBE
Tim Crawford
Q for @botchagalupe: Does @Docker help #DevOps adoption or does #DevOps help Docker?
Tim Crawford
...of course that is a loaded question... :)
Bert Latamore
Docker has been working on the plug-in storage for some time. Very compatible, everybody can play. Docker's John WIllis @botchagalupe on #theCUBE from #DockerCon 2015
John Furrier
. @BertLatamore @tcrawford Docker plug-ins are multi-tenant and don't need a patch or restart
Tim Crawford
The point is to pick apart the pieces into small, digestible components.
John Furrier
Sam Newman book on microservices is good book says John Willis
Tim Crawford
The key is the intersection of technology, culture and process.
Tim Crawford
SOA is baaaccckkkk.... Well, SOA v2 at least.
Bert Latamore
Microservices are loosely coupled, service-oriented with bounded context - Docker's John Willis @botchagalupe on #theCUBE from #DockerCon 2015
Tim Crawford
We can't just focus on the Unicorns. We need to address the horses (and donkeys).
Tim Crawford
Actually he was referring to @adrianco's definition
Tim Crawford
Can we finally agree that IT is finally hitting its stride? At least in terms of tech?
Tim Crawford
Even if tech is finding it's stride, culture & process are lagging. Significantly.
Tim Crawford
There is a shop: We're a traditional shop or a transformational shop.
Bert Latamore
What we’re seeing right now – microservices, containerization, data gravity – is a fundamental shift in what we are going to look like from an infrastructure view - Docker's John Willis @botchagalupe on #theCUBE from #DockerCon 2015
Ariana Gradow
Patrick Chanezon (@chanezon), Member of the Technical Staff, @Docker on #theCUBE now!
Stuart Miniman
Here's data on how long containerized apps live via @abnerg https://blog.newreli...
John Furrier
hey @stu ask who manages the containers?
Ariana Gradow
#Docker is creating a layer to program the internet. -(@chanezon), @Docker on #theCUBE now
Ariana Gradow
The management tools for #docker #containers is still an area that is somewhat underdeveloped, but will probably explode very quickly. @chanezon, @Docker on #theCUBE now
Ariana Gradow
We are working to enhance the plugin feature @Docker
Ariana Gradow
#DevOps is about development and operations working together and #docker helps that new reality to happen, but there is still lots of work to be done in this area.
Ariana Gradow
Adrian Cockroft @adrianco, Technology Fellow, @BatteryVentures next on #theCUBE live at #dockercon2015
Jeff Frick
The whole eco system is changing week by week - Adrian Cockroft @adrianco, Technology Fellow, @BatteryVentures LIVE on #theCUBE
Tim Crawford
The 'will' of adoption is different from the reality of adoption. Need to bridge the gap.
Ariana Gradow
One of the interesting announcements this morning at the #keynote is that 97% of enterprises are adopting #docker. - @adrianco, Technology Fellow, @BatteryVentures
Jeff Frick
You have to be very agile if you're going to play in this space
- Adrian Cockroft @adrianco, Technology Fellow, @BatteryVentures LIVE on #theCUBE
Jeff Frick
What you're seeing this year, is that they systems are starting to mature
- Adrian Cockroft @adrianco, Technology Fellow, @BatteryVentures LIVE on #theCUBE
Jeff Frick
2014 no one had it on the roadmap,
2015 everyone has it on the roadmap
- Adrian Cockroft @adrianco, Technology Fellow, @BatteryVentures LIVE on #theCUBE
Ariana Gradow
In 2013 there were people using docker... 2014 more people copied them... this year now there are lots of great announcements, such as plugins etc. I think by 2016 docker will be pretty standardized. - @adrianco, Technology Fellow, @BatteryVentures
Tim Crawford
A smaller number of variables will lead to standardization which will increase adoption.
Tim Crawford
Once we acknowledge the cultural changes needed (i.e.: #DevOps), the speed of adoption will increase.
Jeff Frick
Problem with big companies is they're moving to slow.
- Adrian Cockroft @adrianco, Technology Fellow, @BatteryVentures LIVE on #theCUBE
Tim Crawford
Key Point from @adrianco: Companies are moving too slow. <Completely agree!
Tim Crawford
Too many companies optimize for cost rather than optimizing for speed. Cost will come.
Jeff Frick
The "Lean Enterprise" is an important book.
- Adrian Cockroft @adrianco, Technology Fellow, @BatteryVentures LIVE on #theCUBE
How will anyone many money on #Docker? Check out #theCUBE #dockercon interviews to find out!
Jeff Frick
If you're in the center of an ecosystem that's growing at a ridiculous rate, you don't have to worry about making money right away
- Adrian Cockroft @adrianco, Technology Fellow, @BatteryVentures LIVE on #theCUBE
Jeff Frick
Monetizing will come to them later.
- Adrian Cockroft @adrianco, Technology Fellow, @BatteryVentures LIVE on #theCUBE
Tim Crawford
Is it possible that the technology will move before the core company can truly make $?