
After Email, What's Next?
Email can’t scale to meet the increased demands of today’s business. Beyond social, what's next?
   10 years ago
#know15Knowledge15ServiceNow is holding their big customer event in Vegas - Join the Conversation
Dion Hinchcliffe #AdobeSummit
Q3. What can organizations learn from the automation that supports consumer services such as Uber or OpenTable use? #Know15
Farah Remtulla
A3: Requests can be fulfilled without the incessant need to categorize, fill in mandatory fields, and answer questions. #keepitsimple
Steve Emerson
A3: With feature-rich cloud based platforms available today, there is no reason why we can’t do the same within the enterprise
Jason Wojahn
By automating organizations can elaborate their opportunities to transform their environment. Signals vs noise
Shane Carlson
A3: The biggest take away from those services is that ease of use and service quality are one of the fastest paths to adoption. People want to push a button and know they will get the result they expect.
Chris Pope
A3: its simple its intuitive and I want to use it, I get instant updates to where my requests are and whats going on, I keep control...yet IT or Enterprise Products are quite the opposite....control is not service...
Colleen Haikes
A3: Raise our expectations in the office and demand a better way to get that work done #noemail
Jason Wojahn
Not every automation needs to be #Uber-esque" to be meaningful in a biz #Keepitsimple
Jeff Frick
@sitare21 YES YES YES - so many process demand repeating the same info over and over. Perfect opportunity for automation, and pulling available data from disparate systems to complete the requirements
Dion Hinchcliffe #AdobeSummit
As organizations, I believe we have a lot to learn from modern consumer applications: Simplicity, user-centricity, extremely low friction, beautiful designs, and being a joy to use.
Farah Remtulla
@ITSMPundit Speaking of pushing buttons, Amazon is a great example. You get to pick your buttons, push em' when you want to, and POOF, what you want will arrive at your door!
Jason Wojahn
@JeffFrick Not to mention an chance to "not" ask for the same information twice... or more
Steve Emerson
@sitare21 Agreed Farah. A single search box works every time. Just ask Google.
Chris Pope
You can only automate it if it works manually in the first place...else its a giant paperweight nobody wants nor does it work and provide the value
Farah Remtulla
@Chris_Pope_NOW Agreed - automating a bad process just gets you the same bad result...faster
Jason Wojahn
@chris_Pope_NOW Start with the process and the automation will follow... capable meets capable.
Dion Hinchcliffe #AdobeSummit
@sitare21 Yes, Amazon Dash really summarizes the ultra lower barriers to use and immediate impact that we'd like to have in our enterprise applications. And nice #IoT integration.
Jeff Frick
> And I believe, these apps/experiences are raising the bar for expected interaction behavior with ALL apps. Young people don't know a pre Google / Amazon / Facebook world
Ariana Gradow
.@dhinchcliffe creating an easy to use product that is available anytime, anywhere
Colleen Haikes
@sitare21 Agree, we don't need to have transparency of who gets asked, etc. We want 2 things: 1)status and 2) outcome.
Dion Hinchcliffe #AdobeSummit
@jason_wojahn And too much automation is inflexible, making it very hard to improve once you've created it. Either have simple tools that support process or more structure that can be easily changed.
Jason Wojahn
@JeffFrick Apps or automated workflow on a unified platform.. fine line
Colleen Haikes
How much better would work be if we got notification "Your Request has been Shipped/Approved" instead of seeing that process?
Jason Wojahn
@cahaikes Even better if you can opt in/opt out of those comms and choose distribution method
Shane Carlson
Also we should never ask people for information in the course of providing a service that we should already know. i.e. Name, Location, Payment info, org hierarchy.
Jason Wojahn
Agreed on inflexibility, process must evolved over-time and the tools must follow
Jason Wojahn
@Chris_Pope_NOW #POOFNOW Is that the dance you were just doing?
Dion Hinchcliffe #AdobeSummit
Q6. What other processes could you apply a services model to at your org? How would automating them change the way the work gets done? #Know15
Steve Emerson
A6: ALL departments in the enterprise provide some level of service. The principles of the service model that began with IT can be applied to any other department – HR, Facilities, etc.
Jason Wojahn
Service is not unique to department and all benefit from workflow, automation, single sources of record, and reporting... go everywhere!
Chris Pope
Service Models fall into 4 categories: Help, Change, Request, Knowledge - So apply those to everything you do and every activity falls into one of them, therefore can be a defined in a Service Model...
Farah Remtulla
A6: As soon as someone finds themselves typing "I'd like, I want, I need..." which equates to almost everything - marketing, legal, HR, facilities
Peter Kretzman
HR and Facilities are obvious and important cases/opportunities, in some ways even more than IT.
Colleen Haikes
Find the pain, then automate!
Chris Pope
Automation should provide Lights Out-Hands Off service delivery, and when it fails have the service processes in place to handle it, recover and then deliver....
Shane Carlson
We have had a tremendous amount of success in automating business processes in HR, Facilities, Legal and other areas. If there is a repeatable process or a clear desired outcome, there is an opportunity to innovate.
Dion Hinchcliffe #AdobeSummit
@sremerson Exactly, everyone in our organizations is in the service business now, especially knowledge workers. And we need better delivery channels/tools to service our internal and external customers.
Steve Emerson
By using standard repeatable processes across shared services, we can provide a consistent consumer-like service experience with automation to speed up time of delivery
Farah Remtulla
@PeterKretzman Agreed - and here's a daring thought - why does everyone think they have to start with IT? Start with HR, get onboarding in check. #hero #everyonelovesahappyHR
Chris Pope
@PeterKretzman Agreed, but so are the front desk who manage visitors, they are often the face of the company and leave a lasting impression on your customers.....
Dion Hinchcliffe #AdobeSummit
@sitare21 @PeterKretzman Right, we should start with the business and their work process. IT should be an enabler, helping that part of the organization succeed.
Jason Wojahn
Easiest to find are those buried in "shared services" and the back-office, but no reason to stop there.
Shane Carlson
@sitare21 We have done so in a number of orgs, HR is a very underserved technology area. Plenty of HRIS solutions but few HR Request and Case Management solutions. Ripe for innovation.
Dion Hinchcliffe #AdobeSummit
@cahaikes Right: Find the pain, re-imagine the process, then support with automation that can be easily reshaped.
Colleen Haikes
@PeterKretzman is it the CIO who needs to initiate that automation? Or the HR team?
Jason Wojahn
@ITSMPundit Hardly make sense to specify one.. Facilities, Legal... don't forget Industry specific...
Shane Carlson
@jason_wojahn Agree. If we can define Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs and Consumers, we should be able to improve and automate.
Rina Ebert
@sitare21 Hear @kpmg_us Rick Wright in the opening keynote at #know15 to hear more about starting outside of IT, like you said, start in HR
Peter Kretzman
The C in CIO should also stand for combine & collaborate, re business. Key to overall success for firm & for CIO. #know15