
Infrastructure at Scale
We'll be talking about Infrastructure at Scale and the recent HP Apollo announcement.
   10 years ago
#RealDataStoriesInfrastructure at ScaleJoin to discuss lessons learned while running infrastructures at scale. Share tips & strategies.
   10 years ago
#RealDataStories#ProductionReadyOpenStackJoin us to discuss use cases, considerations for product environments & things that are coming up
Leo Leung

Joseph B George (JBG)
represents HP's recognition that purpose built servers are needed for newer emerging technologies to run optimally - in this case, Hadoop and object storage
Thanks @lleung ! As you can see we are giving customers the option to scale capacity or performance for their object storage and big data needs
Leo Leung
.@jbgeorge the 4200 looks like an interesting option - can you talk more about that?
Stef Van Dessel
Is the SL4540 product line replaced or augmented by the Apollo 45x0 series?
Joseph B George (JBG)
Very excited about Apollo 4200 - similar to the Apollo 4510 and 4530, it is built for storage / big data, but for customers who want to stay in the 2U form factor
Joseph B George (JBG)
currently Apollo 4200 has the highest HDD capacity in the industry
John Furrier
. @lleung is there a slide on positioning and who the target buyer is for each?
Joseph B George (JBG)
@fets The Apollo 4510 and Apollo 4530 are the next gen of SL4540 - they are Haswell based, shorter in height, more drives, and larger drives
Joseph B George (JBG)
@furrier the slide above highlights the use cases, but customers who are looking for max density are more oriented to Apollo 4510 or 4530 - 4U and lots of drives
Leo Leung
@furrier - See above - 4200 for general enterprise, 4510 for object, 4530 for big data - though I would say they generally give customers options for performance/capacity scaling
Leo Leung
@furrier - I can see @scality customers using any of the three or mix and match
Stef Van Dessel
what is the maximum drive size supported for LFF SATA on the Apollo series? we are currently using 4 TB drives in our SL4540s
Joseph B George (JBG)
@furrier customers who are new to scale out storage need a bridge to get to purpose built servers - the Apollo 4200 is a familiar form factor, very similar to DL380 Gen 9, but with a lot more drives for storage use cases
Joseph B George (JBG)
All the new Apollo 4000 server solutions can use up to 8TB drives
Leo Leung
The density per rack is pretty amazing these days.
Leo Leung
@fets - knowing where you guys started from, it must be great to get such density
Joseph B George (JBG)
Guess how much capacity a fully populated rack of Apollo 4510's gets you w 8TB HDD? 5.44 PETABYTES. Oh yeah.
Having nearly 5.5PB's in a single rack is allowing our customers to reduce TCO and take advantage on power and cooling savings
Stef Van Dessel
are the 8TB disks using shingled magnetic recording ? What is the largest supported size for SSD and non-SMR drives?
Joseph B George (JBG)
the 8TB drives are not SMR - but we are investigating
John Furrier
theme today in storage/servers is metadata metadata metadata metadata- thoughts on this?
Joseph B George (JBG)
agree agree agree agree
Joseph B George (JBG)
This is where its great to partner with @scality - esp use cases like cloud DVR
Leo Leung
please expand on that point - how so?
You mean on performance, scalibility?
@xander_axez Both! The joint HP/Scality solution uses ssd's to index the metadata for improved performance while still allowing extreme scalability.
John Furrier
xander both bc all flash arrays are hot but is it due to the actual media?..
Leo Leung
now you're poking at the new architecture discussion, which is a good one all to itself. the apollo gives infrastructure software like us a great base to work from
Leo Leung
unlike older architectures, our "lookup" and "I/O" is decoupled, so we can use a proportion of CPU/SSD and a big helping of HDD to get the job done.
Leo Leung
- so you get the performance, density, and economics
IMHO the MESA system used by scality in which all metadata information is spread within this system-level distributed database will be scalable enough the coming future i'd think :)
Joseph B George (JBG)
@furrier @lleung what use cases do YOU see fits for with this new line?
Leo Leung
some things we've seen more recently - cloud DVR - very interesting workload - actually a mix of lots of writes and byte range reads
Leo Leung
so needs a little more muscle
Leo Leung
i was about to ask the same question!
Leo Leung
certainly another area is nearline for content creation
Leo Leung
amazing to consider how many folks have stuck with only Tier 1 SAN and tape - http://www.scality.c...
Leo Leung
they don't want to grow their Tier 1 any more. But they have petabytes more 4K and raw digital footage they need available. Think House of Cards or other "binge" shows.
Joseph B George (JBG)
scalability is the concern - a TON of data out there... and MORE being generated every second - need a scalable yet cost effective solution
Leo Leung
media is a great example, but it's fun to see other verticals and businesses where keeping more data has clear monetization
Leo Leung
more Apollo options makes the business path clearer
Joseph B George (JBG)
medical = patient records, x-rays, etc
Joseph B George (JBG)
financial = high frequency trading, fraud detection, etc
Joseph B George (JBG)
on and on - lots of uses
life sciences = genomics
Joseph B George (JBG)
these Apollo 4000 models were designed with the customer use in mind - how would you build an optimal hadoop platform? what would operate best in an object storage env? Here are the answers
Leo Leung
just had a fascinating medical imaging use case pop up - again - store it all and start new services and businesses
Joseph B George (JBG)
@furrier we should talk in more depth - the Apollo 4200 is a 2U server that can hold 28 LFF drives! Industries densest 2U server!
John Furrier
like the object store box
@furrier Apollo 4200 allows our enterprise customers to achieve extreme density while maintaining a familiar 2U form factor
Leo Leung
We were talking about the new HP Apollo product line.
John Furrier
can you share the data on what is apollo?
Joseph B George (JBG)
Apollo is a brand of purpose built servers from HP - spanning node density, HPC, and big data
Joseph B George (JBG)
the Apollo 4200, 4510 and 4530 are all the new big data servers launched this week
@furrier HP just announced the HP Apollo 4000 family of storage servers on May 5
Any update on when SKUs are available in salebuilder?
Joseph B George (JBG)
@xander_axez you can talk to your HP rep now to get a full debrief on all these platforms and our solution with Scality - they will be available starting in June
@xander_axez Apollo 4200 and Apollo4530 are coming June 1!