IBM Risk Analytics53

How can businesses balance the creepy vs magic factor when providing new and right-timed services? http://www.via-cc.at...

Stuart Bilick
Did you copy my post about the creepy comment :-)

IBM Risk Analytics
Haha! Creepy indeed!

IBM Analytics
Organizations must foster relationships built on trust by acting authentically and transparently at every level

Kaitlin Noe
I think a lot of creepy v magic hinges on providing value to the customer.. and of course respecting their privacy!

IBM Risk Analytics
Trust eliminates the creepiness!

Debra Pesek
If they are truly timing it right, it wont be creepy. Noone will think about that when its just what they need. Its only when its done wrong...

Stuart Bilick
First I think firms can't be to invasive. I am guessing when people start getting text messaging constantly while walking through a mall, or driving past businesses and are inundated with offers there will be backlash

IBM Analytics
@stubilick We new what you were going to say before you even said it - was it magic or predictive analytics? LOL

Richard Lee
The blind pursuit of gathering more #Data and performing deeper Customer #Analytics has created a growing #Privacy backlash. Org's who routinely cross the "Creepiness Line" may soon find themselves subjected to Regulatory Scrutiny & Punishment. @IBMRisk

I blogged on this exact topic a few years ago: http://analyzingmedi...

Kimberly Trimble
Businesses can balance the creepy vs magic factor by actively notifying customers about cookies and other tracking that will be done after they visit a website. Opt-in advertising is another way to mitigate the creepy factor.

Stuart Bilick
Offers have to be limited, targeted and relevant, which gets to Richard's earlier point about good predictive capabilities
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Zach Jory
It will become the norm/not be viewed as creepy for long. When Kodak first introduced the modern-day camera, it was viewed as an invasion of privacy since people no longer had to stand still for a long period for their image to be captured.

Richard Lee
I wrote a number of blogs on this topic for the @IBMBigData Hub under the title of "The #Privacy Corner" @IBMRisk

It comes down to modeling customer journeys with an eye toward you, in your data/analytic-fueled biz processes, avoiding pushing them into "creepy" (e.g., privacy intrusive) paths on those journeys.

IBM Analytics
One of the best outcomes of the shift towards a future fueled by #analytics is that it will force every entity to become an authentic organization

{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
somehow, dealing with privacy policies has to evolve past "trust us and whatever third parties we do biz with now or in the future"

IBM Analytics
@zjory Couldn't agree more! People used to think security cameras were creepy too

{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
Ancestry.com was in the news recently for sharing DNA data with law enforcement that led to a wrong ID. the tables are turned when access to analytics and vast stores of personal data are involved.

Christine Warren
the key is transparency. If consumers are aware of what their info is being used for...its less creepy #analytichat

IBM Analytics
@theRab Yes, excellent point!