Future Vision of Security
What is the future vision of security at Splunk?
   9 years ago
#RSACInsight from RSA 2015Join us as we discuss the key trends and insight coming out of this year’s RSA 2015 event.
John Furrier
Q3: Per Obama’s security executive order, do you think information sharing is the solution to mitigate risk?
John Furrier
Sec Johnson did talk about improving ability to share info to enhance cybersecurity while protecting privacy..not sure I buy this
Jeff Aboud
.In security, there are no silver bullets; that, we all know. But it can help.
John Furrier
@in_focusmktg Jeff what do you see out there at the event? Is there urgency? what are some solutions enterprises are moving too now
monzy merza
more and more orgs want to engage in active response - active response is beyond just block and tackle - it is focused to reduce time and improve confidence
Jeff Aboud
.I'm not seeing any more urgency than usual, but there's definitely a great deal of interest in dramatically increasing visibility throughout the network, and significantly decreasing response times. Those are the two main pain points I keep hearing.
John Furrier
What are companies doing with data? This is a hot topic?
Dimitri McKay
if by "share" you mean "send us all your IOCs" then yea, the government is doing a *great* job sharing.
Tricia Ransom
This is a touchy subject for our customers. Want to share, but can't share PII. What information is useful w/out revealing customer data?
John Furrier
use cases and solutions or examples - high level is good; don't have to share customer data
Q2: What is your top security concern for the rest of 2015?
John Furrier
. @splunk the buzz in hallways (virtual too) was how to gather threat information to be ready was a big concern
John Furrier
. @splunk A majority gather 'threat intelligence' from the #security community at large. It's a combination of things; vendor product, public and #opensource feeds.
John Furrier
another issue is employee mistakes whch enable external attacks
Jeff Aboud
.That's a great point. A lot of people make the mistake of seeing Enterprises as different from consumers ... but remember, Enterprises comprise consumers! Enterprises likely have more robust security controls, but the individuals still need to be educated
John Furrier
. @splunk Post Snowden era is about systems that have UX and #bigdata capabilities to move fast on any front - security problem is omni-directional
Dimitri McKay
@Splunk My top security concerns continue to be the fact that we still lack visibility. How can we defend while blind? How can we fight what we can't see?
Jeff Aboud
.Well said @dimitrimckay. If you don't know what you don't know, you can't do your job - the point is moot. But if you can see the issues, you at least have a fighting chance.
John Furrier
Q4: Is security a boardroom issue for the enterprise? Who is responsible for security in the enterprise?
monzy merza
security is definitely a board roam issue. but its not enough to punt to the board. it is the responsibility of the practitioners to escalate requirements in an outcome focused fashion.
Dimitri McKay
and on the other side, it's the responsibility of the boardroom to drive security from the top with headcount and budget.
John Furrier
@dimitrimckay Who does the #CISO report too? thoughts from #splunk gurus?
Dimitri McKay
The board. Otherwise there's a potential for bias.
John Furrier
There’s an old adage that goes something like, “If you build a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door”; flipside to this, esp in the world of cyberdefense, viruses, malware, & worms is that somewhere out there building better mousetrap
John Furrier
What was this new demo and t-shirt Splunk was doing at RSA this year? Can you share details?
Jeff Aboud
.The demo focused on a new release of the App for Enterprise Security, version 3.3. It includes user activity monitoring and support for STIX/TAXII and OpenIOC.
. @furrier Our shirts tend to be a big hit. Our newest one "I see what you did there" is a nod to the new features in our Splunk App for Enterprise Security.
John Furrier
What is the beer of choice for #splunksecurity staff? had to ask
Jeff Aboud
.I can't speak for the others, but my personal favorite is Fat Tire! Best at the source in CO, but I'll take it in a bottle here in CA any time!
John Furrier
I just interviewed Stone Brewery yesterday and they have a "sick" tech IT team
John Furrier
Craft beer is my fav.. ok back to RSA
Richard Brewer-Hay
I prefer my own beer... But I enjoyed a Pliny last night watching the #sfgiants
John Furrier
@ESBAle nice win last night for @sfgiants
Ariana Gradow
I was at the game last night. Drank tecate and bud light
John Furrier
Q1: What's going on with all these breaches - what's the core issue with security?
John Furrier
How many Facebook accounts are compromised every day?
monzy merza
.@furrier lack focus on the part of the organizational leadership, technologies that don't work together, lack of transparency about attacks
John Furrier
. @monzymerza lack of focus in terms of mindshare or awareness to tooling for predicting or handling incidents and breaches?
John Furrier
What percentage of emails sent over the Internet are spam? #splunksecurity
monzy merza
lack of focus on the attacker persona and the use cases. many of the less mature orgs are trying to protect everything from everyone- hence protecting nothing
Dimitri McKay
And there's still the expectation out there that defense is a technology problem. Organizations continue to lack on the side of people and process. There's no easy button!
Jeff Aboud
People have always been, and likely always will be, at the heart of any solution. The best technology isn't standalone - it *enables* the people!
John Furrier
Customers need both speed & innovation to quell attacks what are options for analytics-driven security?
.@furrier We could answer that question but it would be a little too self-serving ;)
John Furrier
I'll rephrase "what is the buzz at RSA on data analytics"?
Jeff Aboud
.Pulling in as much *raw* data as possible improves visibility and increases the speed of searches.
Dimitri McKay
time is the most important resource we have. Reducing time to identification, mitigation and remediation is the top priority. Wasting time searching silo after silo for the same data is a waste of that resource.
Tricia Ransom
My company, @GuardAnalytics, uses data to determine the behavior profile of account holders. Fraudsters try, but usually do something odd
John Furrier
. @TriciaRansom that sounds like a great solution. share a video or link for more info - thx
Tricia Ransom
Detect Unauthorized Webmail Access using Behavioral Analytics: @GuardAnalytics
Tricia Ransom
Here is ERIC LABADIE, VP Global Sales and Channels for @GuardAnalytics showing an overview of how Behavior Analytics work:
John Furrier
Which verticals are most secure? Finance? Here is bank talking security
Dave Fiveash - Splunk.conf 2014 - theCUBE
Dave Fiveash, BNP Paribas, at Splunk.conf 2014 with John Furrier and Jeff Kelly @theCUBE #splunkconf DevOps requires organizations to have everyone “bought i...
monzy merza
there is a diversity of maturity across all verticals. the mature organizations view security as a continuous improvement process
John Furrier
What do customers do? What has #splunksecurity learned working with customers? Lots of unstructured data
John Furrier
Mark Graff, Chief Information Security Officer at NASDAQ OMX, spoke about the new paradigm of cyberdefense as it pertains to what businesses face with respect to viruses and security threats.
Security Keynote w/ Mark Graff, CISO, NASDAQ OMX - Splunk.conf 2014 - theCUBE
Keynote, Splunk.conf 2014 @theCUBE #splunkconf There’s an old adage about technology that goes something like, “If you build a better mousetrap the world wil...
John Furrier
In 2013 Kaspersky Labs detected almost 3 billion malware attacks with over 1.8 million malicious programs detected in these attacks.
John Furrier
computer viruses and worms are seeing a trend towards surprising technical complexity that he believes will eventually culminate in self-automating viruses that no longer have a human intelligence driving their proliferation, action, and activation
Dimitri McKay
When the machines attack via Skynet, it will be an autonomous virus that starts the process. Death to humanity. #terminator :)
Jeff Frick
> This is a must watch video. Especially the last few sentences, very very powerful.