
Fast IT with Cloud
Get Ready for Fast IT with your Microsoft cloud.
Kent Erickson
What's the percentage of OS workloads running in Azure public clouds vs onsite datacenters? IE, will cloud-hosted work soon overtake legacy data centers?
Ed Morgan ☁️🦄
I doubt cloud-hosted will overtake on-prem any time soon, we're definitely moving to a hybrid model in the UK, but I don't see "legacy" DCs going anywhere in the near future...
John Furrier
. @KentWithaT our @wikibon prelim research (not published) shows almost all #hybridcloud #MSIgnite
Gary Kinghorn
@mo6020 true enough. does hybrid model include workload connectivity between on-prem and cloud? If so, what hybrid infrastructure are you looking at?
Jim McHugh
A successful private cloud is the basis of successful hybrid cloud strategies
Jarett aka JK-47
Not "Soon". Jumping in too fast, is never good. Best assess operational expenditure/benefit
Ed Morgan ☁️🦄
@gkinghorn We're mostly doing a bunch of stuff with NetApp's Data Fabric portfolio for the apps, and Cisco Intercloud Fabric for the networking layer...
Harry Petty III
Are you piloting your hybrid cloud model to verify your expected OpEx and business outcomes?
Jarett aka JK-47
My customer base is seeing ~10% workload in public cloud +growing. #NetappAteamETL @hastorage
Michael Cade
.@KentWithaT NetApp Data Fabric with FlexPod & Cisco Intercloud Fabric - http://www.netapp.co...
Shashi Kiran
@mo6020 new operative buzz word is "bi-modal" - traditional + cloud-scale
Ed Morgan ☁️🦄
@netkiran I'll write that one down for the future
Kent Erickson
@JK47theweapon Physical industry server growth is < 5%. At some point, cross-over. Difficult to compare precisely, but Amazon may essentially be the #6 server vendor.
Shashi Kiran
True that. A top concern we hear is vendor lock-in. How easily can you move workloads?
Harry Petty III
@netkiran Everyone has traditional legacy ent apps but should be looking at next gen mobile, social, cloud apps to compete
Todd Brannon
The shift will come when customers stand up true hybrid-ready private clouds. Still early days for mainstream IT.
Harry Petty III
@netkiran Move workloads within DC, between DC, between private and public cloud? We need a way to do it securely and on demand
Jim McHugh
Hey, how about policy based infrastructure as a key way to deliver Fast IT?
Jarett aka JK-47
Great things often cant be defined easily. http://blogs.cisco.c...
John Furrier
. @JimMcHugh Love policy based that is in Cisco's DNA #MSIgnite data needs a network
Jarett aka JK-47
Best thing I see about policy-based infra/management is only being 1 hop from a policy
Ed Morgan ☁️🦄
Policy based infrastructure is a natural evolution of the *aaS cloud self service model. Take away the pain points of having to manually provision all the underlying inf, and work with agility...
Harry Petty III
The nice thing about policy is it allows the IT teams (app, network, security, server) to work together faster
Harry Petty III
Application policy can be a common framework to unify the workflow between IT teams
Harry Petty III
Policy driven automation can ensure security compliance even in a dynamic DC environment
Jim McHugh
@HPettyIII Unification from Application model to provisioning
Kent Erickson
and then on to service asssurance. Wonderful thing about ACI is it starts by defining applications/services!
Gary Kinghorn
@HPettyIII Soon every vendor will say they have policy-based infrastructure, but the devil is in the details. Look for policy wars as a new meme.
Kent Erickson
@gkinghorn Policy that doesn't cross technology silos is little better than no policy. #wheredoyoustop #devilinthedetails
Jim McHugh
How will Fast IT and Policy Based Approach Change Organizations? Will it break down barriers? I say yes.
Harry Petty III
YES, policy helps subject matter experts work together. automation reduces manual errors
John Furrier
My take on this is that intelligence in the network will drive more apps who can be targeted toward real time business driven outcomes
Jarett aka JK-47
It will be a great way to think of architecture. Application logic policies.
Ed Morgan ☁️🦄
Its going to remove the silos and bring enterprises into the 21st century from an infra perspective. Make the IT dept become a business enabler rather than a cost centre...
Harry Petty III
And yes, ACI policy has allowed Cisco IT to accelerate its change management process.Getting them closer to Fast IT
John Furrier
. @JimMcHugh #MSIgnite @dfloyer and I talked about interoperable architectures; meaning that customers can deploy lots of different tech & get seamless integrated solutions
Harry Petty III
@mo6020 When IT teams can focus on strategy and architecture instead of executing change orders, the teams can truly innovate and add value to the business
Jim McHugh
But I thought you could do this all with scripts lol
Michael Cade
.@JimMcHugh Fast IT allows IT departments to focus on innovation, shifting resources from “keeping the lights on” to orchestrating more strategic outcomes on behalf of the business. #NetAppATeamETL #CiscoChampion
Todd Brannon
Definitely. We've seen customers bring process and people together around UCS and it accelerates once it starts
Kent Erickson
@tobranno It's fun when the implementation team for a #ciscoucs deployment is the storage and network admins!
Jim McHugh
I thought someone would have asked the difference between ACI and SDN by now? Ready, set, go... @gkinghorn @netkiran
Michael Cade
ACI is a Hardware based alternative. #NetAppATeamETL #CiscoChampion
Jarett aka JK-47
Sadly, the term SDN is just too abused and too broad. Square peg, round hole. ACI is about providing solutions to problems. Automation, Scalability.
Todd Brannon
this is chum in the water; some of that life blood of applications to attract the sharks?
Gary Kinghorn
Well, APIC did win Best of Interop for SDN solution last week, so maybe they are the same? :-)
Kent Erickson
ACI - a product - SDN - a buzzphrase.
Gary Kinghorn
Actually I've got a brief blog comparing ACI and SDN since I can't do it justice on twitter: http://blogs.cisco.c...
Shashi Kiran
@KentWithaT APIC is a product. ACI is an architecture/philosophy.
Gary Kinghorn
Is the MS-enabled cloud going to use NVGRE, VXLAN, GENEVE or something else as the overlay infrastructure? Or some combination of the above?
Harry Petty III
I heard anecdotally that people mostly see VXLAN
Gary Kinghorn
@HPettyIII That would make sense, but wondering what MS is promoting most strategically? Are they endorsing VXLAN or are they more agnostic? Or centered on their own protocol?
Michael Cade
. @gkinghorn Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure and
and Azure Pack http://www.cisco.com...
Harry Petty III
I see lots of #MSIgnite sessions on networking here. I hope to learn from the est. 25,000 people attending
Jarett aka JK-47
Endpoints/EPGs can use VXLAN Stand open standards.. http://www.cisco.com...
John Furrier
. @gkinghorn this questions is above my pay grade :-) #MSIgnite