
App services & the cloud
Discussion on which cloud services are most important to developers and the industry as a whole.
Cloud Foundry
Q1) Why does a project like the Open Service Broker API matter? #Appserviceschat
steve greenberg
interoperability. and treating services as attached
Jay Judkowitz
A1) Developers need a standard way to connect to any service from any app on any platform using any marketplace. No vertical lock-in by framework.
steve o'grady
Unless you enjoy reimplementing technologies over and over, standard interfaces matter.
Doug Davis
ease of use for app developers! Focus on business function - not services!
Brad Topol
Let's avoid reinventing the wheel!
Chris Ferris
because services!
Abby Kearns
It offers a standardized approach to attaching services to a platform.
Devin Davis
Standardizing service delivery across platforms is better for the industry at large.
Todd Moore
make it will make it easier for producers to expose their services to other platforms
steve o'grady
A1) differentiation and innovation are to be commended...except when it results in multiple interfaces
Chris Ferris
@Jay_Judkowitz precisely - who wants to have to do this for every possible platform their service might need to integrate
Alex Ley
cross platform service inter-operability!
Niel Eyde
Consistent model for provisioning backing services across multiple platforms.
Scott M. Fulton III
Does standardizing service delivery platforms run the risk of standardizing services?
Todd Moore
@sogrady has it right. Nobody likes to invent the same thing over and over again!
Chris Ferris
@tmmoore_1 exactly, here's my user story: as a developer, I want to be lazy
Jay Judkowitz
@SMFulton3 It's about standardizing discovery, provisioning, and binding to services, not standardizing the services themselves.
Todd Moore
@Jay_Judkowitz @SMFulton3 you can envision that over time some services may commoditize
Abby Kearns
@tmmoore_1 And new services will evolve as app requirements change.
Andrei Yurkevich
amount of learning developers have to do creating the services
Cloud Foundry
Q2) What cloud services are most important to developers and the industry as a whole?#Appserviceschat
Doug Davis
data related services
Chris Ferris
isn't that like asking which of your children is your favorite?
steve o'grady
A2) historically, core infrastructure (compute, storage, etc). increasingly, higher level services (DB, PaaS, etc).
Jay Judkowitz
A2) Data services. Also, anything hosted outsied your app platform, e.g. sending mail.
Devin Davis
@christo4ferris So maybe the question for you is which cloud service is your least favorite?
Chip Childers
@sogrady in the context of services to directly support an application, it seems to be some sort of RDBMS, some key-value store, some message bus, then other "stuff"
Amy Hermes
OH: It's whoever has the best sticker @cloudfoundry
Chris Ferris
A2 - the correct answer is the one your application needs
Niel Eyde
A2) general purpose services such as DB, analytics, and messaging...but also internal domain/org-specific services
steve o'grady
@chipchilders: agreed. s/RDBMS/RDBMS *and* multiple other DB styles/.
Alex Ley
today traditional RDBMS services, future messaging / event services
Chris Ferris
@DevinDavis the one that isn't using the Open Service Broker API
Andrei Yurkevich
data services +1 and messaging queue - this is a bare minimum that most of the customers use. For data services it is usually relational, key-value, and caching
Cloud Foundry
Q6B) How could the Open Service Broker API help traditionally “non-tech” companies expose these systems to others?
steve o'grady
A6) having one interface to target is far more manageable for non-tech companies than one per provider
Chris Ferris
@sogrady bingo! give that man a kewpie doll
steve o'grady
A6) the reduction in friction towards opening services means that more of them will become available
OpenShift Commons
1:M is the way to go
Alex Ley
writing a service broker is quite simple, they can then run it on a cloud platform or self-host. The broker can then be registered to the marketplace of any Open SB API supporting platform provider.
Abby Kearns
A standardized API allows "non-tech" companies to easily expose more of their services, internally and externally.
Todd Moore
A6) those that wish to have their own service catalog gain interoperability across platforms as well
Abby Kearns
@tmmoore_1Agreed, cross-platform services allows for better workload portability.
Paul Morie
If you'd like to get more involved in the #kubernetes side of the equation, the service catalog SIG has an incubator repo where we're building the catalog for k8s:
service-catalog - Share and consume services in Kubernetes using service brokers
Jay Judkowitz
+1. Very exciting use of the API.
Scott M. Fulton III
Is a service catalog a prerequisite for using a service broker?
OpenShift Commons
details about SIG mtgs & slack channels here:
Doug Davis
yea, its sort of the coordinator of the system for the platform
Doug Davis
provides the indirection/abstraction for you
Brad Topol
Props to @cheddarmint for deftly sneaking a plug in for service catalog!!! (This is the droid I'm looking for!)
Paul Morie
@SMFulton3 the catalog is basically the integration between the platform and the broker API.
Alex Ley
this shows that the Open Service Broker API promise of cross-platform service brokering is starting to happen!
Jay Judkowitz
@SMFulton3 I wouldn't say it's an absolute prereq, but I wouldn't want to use brokers without a nice catalog to organize services for me and my whole org
Paul Morie
@AlexEvade Yeah, I think this is really awesome. Consider the alternative of everyone building their own thing. That would be terrible. Better to cooperate and get economy of effort!
Alex Ley
@SMFulton3 @bradtopol the marketplace aspect to the catalog model gives developers (platform users) a one stop shop.