
Dreamforce #DF13 Chat
Top analysts chat with thought leaders extracting the signal from the noise @Dreamforce
R Ray Wang
Is Speed the new currency of business? sounds good =)
John Furrier
yes love that Ray and the oil is data and the engine is cloud/SDDC
John Furrier
Speed is the new currency of business says Ray Wang -#concur
Farah Remtulla
Can't wait until a 'mayday' type support button becomes as universal as a power button on every device.
Jim Berkowitz
Yah but if most support orgs can't answer the phone when you call them up -- how will they answer 50 Billion devices.
Farah Remtulla Or building proactive systems that limit the need for its use. Demand & Capacity Management become as essential as Incident Management.
John Furrier
simplification is the key to making it work..
John Furrier
I have to admin @serviceNOW has great product #transformIT great tie in to @salesforce client base
John Furrier
Salesforce tries to be like Oracle but do you think that they are innovating or just extending their market?
definitely innovating and don't believe they are trying to be anything but salesforce
John Furrier SF wants to be like Oracle and when they got kicked out of #oow two years ago @benioff went ballistic but now the market is shifting to modern era not old way
R Ray Wang
MyPOV: i think it's very different than @oracle. @salesforce is leading and evangelizing while @oracle has a hard time showing market leadership.
John Furrier What amazon showed at #aws #reinvent is gamechanging..what is Salesforce doing that is gamechaning
studentforce Hey Ray .... you want that one or should I?
Crowd Captain
@ruchitgarg says https://twitter.com/ruchitgarg/status/402830799310823424
@furrier it's all in the story
4 minutes ago
John Furrier
@anellb says
Awesome that @benioff starts #DF13 with story of work that @salesforcefoundation has done in Haiti with Sean Penn & Petra Nemcova.
38 minutes ago
Holger Mueller
I do not recall @Benioff and @Parker_Harris together on stage for such a long interactive time - good to see?
John Furrier
These guys are having fun but awkward to watch
joshkimber Well said. This is weird. We're 75 minutes into the keynote and I've learned nothing new.
Jim Berkowitz
It's like watching Abbot & Costello
John Furrier
SAP is targeting Sports & Media vertical while Salesforce is targeting Nonprofits @maksim says
Very laser focused start of the keynote on how Salesforce helps non profits with technology #DF13
a few seconds ago
Crowd Captain
@platenreport says https://twitter.com/PlatenReport/status/402855244536627200
John Furrier @PlatenReport I wasn't taking cheap shot meant to highlight at @sapphirenow they focused on sports vs what sf is doing here.. @sap is very strong in verticals
John Furrier
@PlatenReport https://twitter.com/PlatenReport/status/402855244536627200
@furrier @Maksim That's a cheap shot at SAP they are doing great work within Healthcare and other good works including supporting charities
5 minutes ago
Jeff Frick
Was Jobs the last great Tech Showman?
Who's on your Mt Rushmore of Tech CEO / Founder Showman/women? (top 4)
Dell, Ellison, Benioff, Gates, Balmer, Luddy, Chambers, Whitman, McNealy, Mayer, Yang, Page, Fiorina, Schmidt, Tucci, Immelt, Welch, Pottruck ?
John Furrier
@benioff is solid he is up there for the flair for sure but Tucci is the "Don" will take over his neighborhood while he's out partying; Ellison gets the "rackets", Welch runs the bank, Page runs the public works, Whitman is major, Schmidt run PR
John Furrier
I am still sitting here thinking what is being announced for technology and innovation? All high level fluff so far
Kati Dahm
the GPS enabled toothbrush would have been a good announcement
Holger Mueller
Yes - same here - one hour - phiilantrophy, Haiti, Teslas, Huey - you wonder...
John Furrier I wonder if this the best they got
Tim Crawford
Agreed. Limited value, but being propped up quite a bit.
Tim Crawford
Wonder if they are running out of gas internally and looking for partners/ ecosystem for future growth.
John Furrier #AWS is killing everyone..lots of deck chairs being rearranged in many incumbents ..
Tim Crawford @salesforce is changing to more of an incumbent than an innovator/ disruptor.
John Furrier
@valaAfshar says https://twitter.com/ValaAfshar/status/402859096463773696 Humanize the business.. today we can actually allow enterprise "listen to the customers" .. the holy grail why aren't we talking about this
People buy from people. Humanize your business. #DF13 #CMO
3 minutes ago
John Furrier
Customers want innovation and agility not bloated software.. What is the developer mindset and tooling look like? #devops wins it all