
Clouderati on DevOps #AWS
Special DevOps for #AWS Re:Invent yearly cloud event. We will discuss the magic of CrowdChat on AWS
   10 years ago
#devopsClouderati on DevOps #AWSSpecial DevOps for #AWS Re:Invent yearly cloud event. We will discuss the magic of CrowdChat on AWS
John Furrier
Doing a demo for DevOps so setting up temporary chat. Hey some folks came by hey there
Crowd Captain
I see Evan and Nikki here hi join our demo
Evan Powell
Apparently I am. I'm in Paris. About to get on a board call. But I saw "crowdchat" I cannot miss this one! That's a brand :)
Crowd Captain
CrowdChat is getting lots of attention and many are seeing the value of the free product with data analytics for business customers
John Furrier
@epowell101 How about a testimonial lay it down for us to help people understand the unified chat on the hashtags
Evan Powell
Seriously congrats on crowdchat progress. A few of us discussed it this week. Very cool. TTYL.
Nikki Tirado
any way to join remotely?
John Furrier
@NikkiTirado users must log in to chat with the crowd if they don't they can watch it play out; all posts go to public hashtag timeline
John Furrier
@epowell101 we did geek talk yesterday here our awesome engineers shared their knowledge on tech involved
Clouderati on DevOps #AWS
Special DevOps for #AWS Re:Invent yearly cloud event. We will discuss the magic of CrowdChat on AWS
Michael Ducy
how do you demo DevOps?
John Furrier
@mfdii It's infrastructure as code right now right here on CrowdChat
Crowd Captain
@mfdii I'm demoing CrowdChat for people interested in using this "engagement container" to have authentic crowd conversations. This is a big node based app and real time asynchronous technolg
Crowd Captain
Social media infrastructure and SaaS will look more like #cloud devops than older enterprise software
Coffee @ Actian with Ray: From #Hashtag to Cash – How to Influence the Social Media Influencers
In the next five years, every business will have a social presence. How do organizations effectively use social channels to influence their audience to make ...
John Furrier
Crowd overlay which includes people, their interaction, and data on a specific shared interest/topic denoted by hashtag. All businesses will want to stand up social engagement activities in the crowd independent from their social network easy
Crowd Captain
CrowdChat is a technology crowd platform & application athat connects social media professionals and brands To engage in trusted conversations With other liked minded people using #hashtags. Users love the free product... Marketers ($$) love the data
Jim Canto
I'm signed in via LinkedIN as indicated by the LinkedIN logo shown on my profile photo. Cross-platform functionality is a key feature from my perspective. (hope this helps in your Demos.) The hashtag anchors the chat. CrowdChat contains it.
John Furrier
The floor is open during this demo .. AMA
Crowd Captain
This app has been called the "Docker for conversations" - engagement container for #socialbusiness geeks love that analogy VCs hate it :-)