
theCUBE at #ReInvent
SiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
   11 years ago
#reinventtheCUBE at #ReInventSiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
   9 years ago
#reinventtheCUBE at #ReInventSiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
uǝǝpɐʎnɓ sıuǝp
BTW, Spot Instances proves that solutions like VMware DPM (Distributed Power Mgmt) are not valuable. Don't power off the most expensive asset.
Dave Vellante
IO is on #theCUBE - these guys have 2M sq ft of data center space and build modular data centers. everyone's talking about SW Def Data Center but not much discussion abt the Data Center - IO is all about that layer
John Furrier
IO Datacenters is delivering large scale datacenters with software built into the design..this align with #AWS internet operating system notion..except this is datacenter operating system
Crowd Captain
@jerrychen says it's not a 2 horse race for cloud -- not just AWS and Openstack.. there might be others
John Furrier
@jerrychen AWS pushing enterprise message slamming IBM so they are going hard at the enterprise
Brian Fanzo Very enterprise heavy messaging today and yesterday by all presenters even none AWS ones... They all see the enterprise as the big ticket item..
Dave Vellante
@jerrychen sees the need or the paas layer - not just cloud+ or saas- because developers need an open platform that's not hooked to say wday, crm or now (for ex)
Dean of Big Data
lots about how cloud drives down costs and improves agility, but what about the analytics play? Could be huge in enabling even more powerful analytics!
John Furrier most of the conversations is about what's under the hood for infrastructure #bigdata not the top conversation here.. but it's very relevant
uǝǝpɐʎnɓ sıuǝp
Ask James what are his thoughts on Commodity Networking and Merchant Silicon?
John Furrier
I'm asking this question next
John Furrier
he loves your questions
John Furrier
Top conversation I'm hearing in the hallways is about security in AWS
Caroline McCrory
Anyone talking about getting data back from AWS should they want to leave the service? (applies to any service)
John Furrier I am not hearing that conversation here..this is very important bc this would show the world there isn't a lock in
Crowd Captain
@daviottenheimer says
RT @furrier Top conversation I'm hearing in the hallways is about security in AWS #reinvent via <sounds insecure
21 minutes ago
Dave Vellante
Attunity customers on #theCUBE taking about data integration between oracle and redshift - bridging the gap b/tween public and private cloud - good example of what jassy was talking abt this morning
Brian Fanzo
Rightscale is talking "Hybrid IT" right now and they talking about the same bridge but they seem to be seeing disaster recovery as the only true use case for enterprises so far...
John Furrier Hybrid IT is really Hybrid Cloud
John Furrier
RT @jingbay AWS punches IBM from stage, showing the IBM bus ads running in Las Vegas ("like they were protesting this conference", Andy says). #reinvent
Tom Lounibos
in the 70's the tech industry was defined as "IBM and the Seven Dwarfs"...Today its "Amazon and the Seven Dwarfs" and IBM (in cloud computing) is a dwarf.
Brian Fanzo Well said... Times are changing especially in the cloud..
John Furrier IBM can win huge in cloud but it will take time and don't count out EMC's Pivotal and VMware
Crowd Captain cloud game is really starting now the past few years was "spring training" top of the 1st inning for all the players..
Crowd Captain
@furrier Not saying that the Cloud game is over (just starting)...just reflecting on the current Cloud scoreboard.
2 minutes ago
Crowd Captain
@bigdataalex says
@furrier @jingbay this is interesting. Would love more in this AWS vs. SmartCloud and the strategic dynamics.
4 minutes ago
John Furrier
Jerry Chen VC with @greylock on live now.. ask him anything cc @reidhoffman Jerry is cloud guru and now venture investor
John Smith
How are cloud providers catering to providing low latency access to developing markets like India, Indonesia, Philippines (recent hurricanes destroyed all infra). Considering that there is huge potential of explosive internet growth.
David Nicholson
@reidhoffman Does Nirvanix demise mean that barrier to entry too high to catch googlezon?
Floyd Strimling
As James what his opinion of Cloud Brokerage companies such as JamCracker or Gravitant...Do they have a place or is it wrong thinking?
John Furrier
he didn't have a solid answer got the impression he was neutral on either way
John Furrier
that question is great for our next guest..
John Furrier
three categories of cloud brokers 1) large ISVs taking their mgt platforms and calling it a broker 2) niche market of Jamcracker & gravitant - focused; 3) open source mkt like Redhat CloudForms ..#cloud
James Hamilton, VP & Distinguished Engineer, Amazon Web Services - LIVE - from #AWS #ReInvent #Cloud #SiliconANGLE #TechAthlete
When S3 was launched, it froze the storage industry - James Hamilton - LIVE - #AWS #ReInvent #Cloud #SiliconANGLE #TechAthlete
John Furrier
crowd wants to know when ARM will be in the datacenter
If you build a lot of data centers, you get good at it - James Hamilton - LIVE - #AWS #ReInvent #Cloud #SiliconANGLE #TechAthlete
I'm super excited about Spot, part of the reason I joined Amazon - James Hamilton - LIVE - #AWS #ReInvent #Cloud #SiliconANGLE #TechAthlete
Most companies are using 15% to 30% utilization, opportunity for Spot - James Hamilton - LIVE - #AWS #ReInvent #Cloud #SiliconANGLE #TechAthlete
Today, when running 10s of thousands of servers, hardware otimization is important - James Hamilton - LIVE - #AWS #ReInvent #Cloud #SiliconANGLE #TechAthlete
We build servers that run in our really good data centers, don't need to plan / add cost for variable environments - James Hamilton - LIVE - #AWS #ReInvent #Cloud #SiliconANGLE #TechAthlete
We're making everything a little better and now it makes a really bid difference - James Hamilton - LIVE - #AWS #ReInvent #Cloud #SiliconANGLE #TechAthlete
The bigger and richer the ecosystem, the better for our customers - James Hamilton - LIVE - #AWS #ReInvent #Cloud #SiliconANGLE #TechAthlete