
Industrial Internet of Things
What does IoT mean to industrial manufacturing? Ask the experts!
   10 years ago
#IBMInsightLive Chat @IBMInsightSpecial Influencer Crowd Conversation from onsite social influencers at IBM Insight in Las Vegas
   9 years ago
#IBMInsightData Scientists Everywhere!What is the future of Data Science?
IBM World of Watson
Question 7: let's talk about #IoT and the future of workforces

Ryan Begley
employee wellness will likely become a core Iot workplace link
John Furrier
body cameras aka oculus rift
Brian Baird
When we do it right, the workforce can engage in meaningful effort. No longer will they devote so much time doing the same work over and over.
Terrence O'Hanlon
Useful information and advice about assets will be available when and where most needed and most useful #IoT
Julie Jordan
A #drone in every classroom
George Williams
Companies always look to "mistake proof" processes and procedures. IIoT will accelerate this. We will need to train our folks to pay attention simply because the devises will be doing that for them.
John Furrier
work will look like a video game call of duty meets league of legend and mind craft
Prepare ourselves. being open to our present / future/ embrace technology and use it for a better world
Brian Baird
PPE, ergonomics, localization, hazard beacons, heat stress, et al
Employee safety will increase tenfold as they are monitored for fatigue and where they are in relation to heavy machinery
Brian Baird
We will need to overcome a big brother perception
Ryan Begley
wearables that automate access and track - related to location. promotion of wellness.
IOT es el futuro en nuestro presente/ Estar abiertos a entender IOT es el éxito para adoptarlo como parte de nuestro dia a dia
Brian Baird
@terrenceohanlon Terry, you need to buy me a drone so I can prove you're correct
Terrence O'Hanlon
All assets will come with the expectation of an Apple product - they just work #IoT
Ryan Begley
@bgbaird big brother is a massive challenge in perception
Steven N. Geiger
Big brother? I'm thinking more like The Matrix.
John Furrier
analytics will be the new middle manager say @bpicciano at MIT yesterday
Brian Baird
Keep in mind, when we train people that we will tell them if they are in danger, they might tend to stop looking for hazards
Terrence O'Hanlon
@bgbaird Maybe you will win a #Drone at #Maximo World
George Williams
amazing things in the EHS space here. wearables which tell you when to take a break, change ergonomic position, etc.
John Furrier
forgot a Star Trek reference - a new software stack that interfaces with machines and other human data - hello AI
Companies need to have a comprehension of the long-term in order to prepare for the great potential of IIoT and start preparing now.
Terrence O'Hanlon
@goaliegw George EHS is so huge for #IoT
Julie Jordan
@furrier Agreed, #analytics will help predict and avoid workforce issues and will reveal where training/skills are needed
Luiz Zorzella
Q7: @ibminsight over the past 40 ys, businesses improved people & capital productivity (a lot). #IoT will trigger similar gains in resource productivity
vernon turner
IoT will enable the Internet to surf you, and learn about you, and give advice/teaching/coaching/etc to gain a better well informed worker
Bret Greenstein
The workforce of the future will have orders of magnitude more awareness of the workplace, the environment, the factory floor, etc. More importantly, they will be guided to make better decisions to drive efficiency, ensure worker health, etc.
IBM World of Watson
Industrial #IoT Question 5:
IBM World of Watson
How does IoT support more effective approaches to achieving higher reliability?

How is IoT increasing safety in industrial settings?
Brian Baird
We’re very good at correlating the relationships that are easy to see and make sense. The next step is to look for correlation and causation that is not so obvious
Terrence O'Hanlon
What role does open source have in IoT? Open source ensures a level playing field so large OEMs do not create proprietary #IoT eco-systems
IBM World of Watson
oops the image isn't showing up but check out the text
A key application of #IIoT is predictive maintenance, which improves reliability and decreases downtime. Check out
Brian Baird
We are iin the early stages of a huge research project looking at the workforce as a sensor platform
Pete Karns
@terrenceohanlon Q5: agree on open source, and would add that most plants and product lines are not ' homogenous' in their use of equipment - choice and openness is critical
Ryan Begley
@bgbaird this is a very interesting use case
Brian Baird
the "open" may end up being exposed at the proprietary aggregation point.
George Williams
by ensuring not just purposely collected data such as vibration are considered, but precise process data such as instantaneous pump curves to ensure proper use and energy efficiency
Pete Karns
@bgbaird Q5 good example of where we can learn across IoT - retailers are doing very sophisticated analytics using people traffic....
Brian Baird
@peter_ryans Ryan, it's a big enough concept thatthere is a lot of hush-hush about it
Brian Baird
If we only had access to a big "mathbox" to help us out....
Julie Jordan
@petekarns Again the speed of change and development favor open source for keeping up
Ryan Begley
@bgbaird Understanding employee movement in high security settings - govt, pharm, defense
Pete Karns
@bgbaird Q5 I know a guy named Watson that might be a fit ;-)
Brian Baird
@spearheader Julie, sometimes profit drives the innovation, if only at first
Bret Greenstein
IoT provides incredible potential for situational awareness through data and insights. I can't imagine not wanting to know as much as possible about a venue, a critical system, or a city.
Terrence O'Hanlon
Knowing the health and performance of your assets - and letting the system tell you how to optimize - that is reliability
IOT is key part to improve Reliability
IOT es parte importante para mejorar la Confiabilidad
Mark Morneault
@IIoT A5: agree on PMQ, but true reliability comes from more than just predictive maintenance. It comes from the optimality achieved by identifying the best action to take across thousands of options, in real-time.