
Social & Managing Talent
We live in the networked age. How has work changed, and how do recruiters find great employees?
   10 years ago
#SocBizChatA World Gone SocialBusiness is moving from the Industrial Age to the Social Age. Are you ready to embrace this change?
   10 years ago
#socbizchatThe Future of WorkTalent, culture, cognitive computing, analytics, technology and collaboration.
IBM Social Business
Q4: What do you personally like most and least about working in today's networked age?
Chris Yeh
A4: Like most: When I leverage my network, I can accomplish amazing things!
Chip Joyce
A4: Like: Access to so many amazing people I could never even know about before.
Chris Yeh
A4: Like least: Job hopping. You have to invest time to make a dent in the world.
Daniel Newman
I love how we are instantaneously and always connected to our employees, clients and communities. Powerful!
Chip Joyce
A4: Dislike: Disruptions that break up good teams.
Jason Eng
@chrisyeh Job hopping. Do you see this getting better or worse?
Casey Lucas
A4: @IBMSocialBiz - like most: Ability to leverage my network and #influencers!! The ability to spread the word to a broader audience!!
Brian Fanzo
A4. Least is forcing change... Most is teaching and inspiring change! Bring it on!
Daniel Newman
Like least: we are so distracted. And it is hard to turn off the stimuli around us 24/7
A4: @IBMSocialBiz I like most using my network to gain insights that help my career, and least when noise crowds out the signal.
Amy Tennison
Like: instant access to peers. Dislike: their instant access to me. :)
Jason Eng
@danielnewmanUV Being connected with the employees is great! Engaging them genuinely is good too. I'd like to see more senior execs do this.
Sarah Gibb
@AmyTennison Lol! It's a two way street!
Chris Yeh
A4: @JasonEng_ My hope is that the @alliancebook helps drive longer job tenures.
Amy Tennison
@Sarah_Gibb I know. I'll take it over going back to snail mail.
Daniel Newman
@JasonEng_ Leaders cannot ignore their employees anymore. Engagement is key in the networked world.
Like amazing access to information instantly
Jason Eng
@chrisyeh I'll have to pick that book up!
dislike - overwhelmed with information
Daniel Newman
A4: In terms of job hopping the networked age has created an era of lifelong employability rather than lifelong employement
Jason Eng
@AmyTennison @Sarah_Gibb It's why I try to be careful about what I post. =)
Michelle Cooke
A4 work anytime, anywhere, anyplace but that is both positive and negative
Michelle Cooke
A4 Also ability to connect with experts anywhere
Chip Joyce
A4: The networked age allows for pivoting one's career much easier.
Jason Eng
@danielnewmanUV That is a great point of view, hadn't thought about that!
Carlos Daré
A4: like most the fact that it help us work at the speed of business of today's demanding market!
Athar Afzal
A4 - love the adoption, testing of new technology - Don't like that it's being adopted so slowly!
Chris Yaldezian
@AmyTennison A true honest ...but it works both ways. :-)
Daniel Davis
Many more distractions and disruptions, but the quick access to info makes up for it!
Athar Afzal
@AmyTennison oh no...i know just what you mean - u getting a ping when u least expected it! :) but work should be fun!?
Athar Afzal
@JasonEng_ good point - here is an example of an excellent senior exec that practices that -> @carolsormilic :)
Amber Armstrong
people sometimes forget their manners in virtual networking.. annyoing
Jason Eng
@atharafzal Cool! Thanks for the intro! @carolsormilic
Athar Afzal
@ambarmstrong yes! my biggest pet peeve are the @linkedin invites from anonymous people...grrrrr!
Amber Armstrong
like: the ability to reach virtually anyone
Amber Armstrong
#digital networking dislike: spammy outreach without personalizing to me.
Amber Armstrong
Recently was invited to co-present with someone on a topic that i know nothing about.. #fail!
IBM Social Business
Q5: We hear the phrase 'the relationship between employers and employees is broken.' How can both parties mend that dilemma and realign themselves towards common ground?
Chris Yeh
A5: Be honest, so that you can build trust. We have to acknowledge reality, then build from there.
Chip Joyce
A5: Talk about life after working at your company.
Daniel Newman
A5: It may sound oversimplified but getting back to basics. Listening, engaging, even asking for input.
Chris Yeh
A5: I'll bet you can't think of any great relationships that were built on lies.
Casey Lucas
A6: @IBMSocialBiz - Be transparent!!
Chip Joyce
A5: Focus on a realistic time frame to do important stuff where both the company and your career are transformed.
Daniel Newman
A5: Also believe in those you hire. People can sense when you aren't confident in them.
A5: Lots of honest communication between both parties can build trust and align purpose. @IBMSocialBiz
Wayne Hendry
Agree Chris. Transparency is the only way to build strong relationships!
Listen, listen, listen. Find a way to ENGAGE in a conversation with clients.
Jason Eng
@CaseyCrl Amen. Or to me, as transparent as you can be given the circumstances. Be honest.
John Furrier
I think that I don't see it that way but it's changing to be less structured
Daniel Newman
Technology gives us new channels to communicate so we need to do it more, not less. And it must be genuine.
Amy Tennison
A5. Managers should be transparent. In return, employees should be patient and realize that their managers are communicating what they know when they know it.
Michelle Cooke
A5: active listening!
Athar Afzal
A5 - I'd say have a frank response to any area you are uncomfortable sharing - just let them know I don't feel comfortable share at this particular time.
A5: It takes time and building a relationship - unfortunately it seems like both sides want immediate results
Dave Webb
Abolishing lines of employer/employee. Here's a great TEDTalk from @ChuckBlakeman that explains it: @IBMSocialBiz
The emerging work world in the participation age | Chuck Blakeman | TEDxMileHigh
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. What does it mean to be a company that has joined the Participation...
Amber Armstrong
I disagree that the employee/employer relaitonship is broken. It has to be based on mutual interest.
Jason Eng
@AmyTennison Agreed! I have no problem being patient if I know my managers are as transparent as they can be.
Amber Armstrong
There are no lifer employees anymore #HR
Isabel Guerrand
@chrisyeh I like the keep it real approach. Start from there and invite discussion, opposing views.
Jim Canto
Involve as many employees in "strategic direction" talks as possible. When employees believe in "why"... they perform well and have no reason to "fear" those above them on the org chart. (not 100%..but more for sure)
Jacqueline Saenz
- Remember that your boss is human and your employees are human - both sides have emotions and a desire to do the right thing.
Brian Fanzo
@ambarmstrong Yes mutual interest, mutual trust and mutual transparency... leaders can expect this in a culture without demonstrating it themselves!
Chip Joyce
If the boss thinks you might quit, and if you think you might be laid off, that's not a good relationship.
Lindsay Malloy
The traditional hierarchy is dead.
Brian Fanzo
@chipjoyce Most leaders I've dealt with aren't afraid of employees being social or transparent because of failure or messing up rather because they're afraid they will leave which is wrong..
Jason Eng
@JimCanto knowing the "why" is so important. employees aren't robots.
Jim Canto
@chipjoyce Exactly my situation right now. *smh (And, I'm the employee)
Chip Joyce
Yes @iSocialFanz - it's fear someone will be discovered, recruited, and quit. So managers need to discuss this ahead of time with employees.
Amber Armstrong
My dream is to hire the leaders in the industry and have them coach my new college hires
Brian Fanzo
@ambarmstrong i love that dream.. i believe todays leaders want to give and collaborate and help others grow.. the culture just needs to support it and it sounds like you have that :)